Hello, iam Helen Cain, Take it easy.

Netflix 2022? No way! That’s not gonna happen. Netflix has become a staple in our lives, and it’s here to stay. With its ever-growing library of movies, TV shows, and original content, there’s no way it’ll be disappearing anytime soon. Plus, with its convenient streaming capabilities and affordable subscription plans, Netflix is the perfect way to kick back and relax after a long day. So don’t worry - Netflix isn’t going anywhere in 2022!

Wird Netflix 2022 Gelöscht? [Solved]

Oh man, im Dezember werden einige Serien gelöscht! Am 11.12. ist es soweit mit “Manhunt: Unabomber” (Staffel 1), und am 14.12. müssen wir uns von “Merlin - Die neuen Abenteuer” (Staffel 1-5) und “Erased” (Staffel) verabschieden. Schade!

No way! Netflix isn’t going anywhere in 2022. Phew, that’s a relief! I mean, who would want to miss out on all the great shows and movies? So don’t worry - Netflix will still be around for us to enjoy.