Namaste, iam Stella Lewis, I hope your day goes well.

Oh man, this is a real doozy! Bruce has been kidnapped and we’re all in a tizzy trying to figure out what to do. It’s like the rug was pulled out from under us - one minute he was there, and the next he was gone. We’ve got to act fast if we want any chance of getting him back safe and sound. Let’s get crackin'!

Why Was Bruce Kidnapped? [Solved]

Bruce and Silver are in a tight spot, but Bruce is determined to get them out of there. He quickly comes up with a plan: he’ll distract Tom while Silver sneaks away and calls for help. So, Bruce starts talking to Tom, trying to keep him occupied. Meanwhile, Silver quietly slips away and dials 911.

Just then, sirens blare outside the warehouse - the police have arrived! Tom panics and takes off running. Bruce and Silver are safe at last!

Oh no! Bruce was kidnapped! It’s a real shocker. Poor guy. He must be so scared and confused right now. Let’s hope they find him soon and get him back safe and sound.