Namaste, iam Troy Murray, Don’t worry, it’s one day closer to the weekend.

Ah, summertime! The perfect time to break out the black clothes. Whether you’re looking for a sleek and stylish look or something more casual, black is always in fashion. From shorts and tees to dresses and skirts, there’s something for everyone. Plus, it’s easy to accessorize with jewelry or a bright scarf for a pop of color. So don’t be afraid to rock your favorite black pieces this summer - you’ll be sure to turn heads!

Why Should We Not Wear Black Clothes In Summer? [Solved]

Yikes, black clothes in summer? No way! It’s way too hot already, and black just makes it worse. Plus, it absorbs more heat than other colors. So, nope - not a good idea for summertime.

Black clothes in the summer? Sure, why not! It’s all about personal style. Plus, black is slimming and can help keep you cool in the heat. Just make sure to wear light fabrics like cotton or linen so you don’t get too hot. And don’t forget your sunscreen!