Hi, iam Felicia Rayos, Have a pleasant day.

Brrr, it’s cold in here! It’s 72 degrees in the house and I’m freezing. I’m bundling up with a blanket and cranking up the heat. Time to get cozy! Let’s turn this place into a sauna - no more shivering for me!

Why Is My House Cold At 72? [Solved]

Yikes, if your house is cold it could be a sign of trouble! An old air filter or faulty furnace could be the culprit, and if that’s the case, replacing the filter should do the trick. But if it’s something more serious like improper insulation or leaky ductwork, you’ll need to call in an expert to get to the bottom of it.

It’s freezing in here! The temperature is 72 degrees, and it’s so cold that I’m shivering. Brrr! I need to turn up the heat ASAP.