Hello, iam Marian Walker, So long!

Oh man, Kurama was really scared when Himawari showed up! I mean, he had no idea what she was gonna do. He was like a deer in headlights, just standing there frozen with fear. But luckily for him, Himawari just wanted to give him a big hug and tell him how much she loved him. Phew! Talk about a close call!

Why Is Kurama Afraid Of Himawari? [Solved]

When Naruto stepped in, he got a taste of his own medicine from Himawari. Even Kurama was taken aback by the power behind her punch - it wasn’t your average hit! Naruto was totally shocked, and it scared him silly. He knew that Himawari had some serious strength behind that punch!

Kurama was scared of Himawari; she had him shaking in his boots! He was so petrified that he couldn’t even look her in the eye. It was like he’d seen a ghost! But, luckily, Himawari’s sweet nature put him at ease and soon enough, they were best buds.