Namaste, iam Phylicia Mccauley, Buongiorno.

Edge computing is the latest buzzword in tech, and for good reason! It’s revolutionizing the way we process data, allowing us to do more with less. Instead of relying on a centralized server, edge computing distributes data processing across multiple devices. This means faster response times and improved efficiency - no more waiting around for your computer to catch up! Plus, it’s cost-effective too - you don’t have to invest in expensive hardware or software. So what are you waiting for? Get on the cutting edge of technology with edge computing today!

Why Is It Called Edge Computing? [Solved]

Edge computing is all about bringing compute closer to the user. Instead of having data stored and processed in a centralized location, it’s moved to the edge of the network, which is right near users and devices. That way, data can be accessed quickly and easily without having to travel long distances. It’s a real time-saver!

Edge computing is a way of processing data closer to where it’s being used, rather than sending it back and forth to a central location. It’s like having mini-data centers right at the edge of your network, so you can get faster results without all the lag time. It’s great for businesses that need real-time data or need to process large amounts of data quickly. Plus, it saves on bandwidth costs since you don’t have to send as much info back and forth. Bottom line: edge computing is a smart way to get more outta your network!