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Whoa, hold up - canola oil toxic? That’s a real shocker! I mean, it’s been touted as a healthy cooking oil for years. But if recent reports are true, it looks like we may have to think twice before reaching for that bottle of canola oil. Let’s take a closer look and see what the fuss is all about.

Why Is Canola Oil Toxic? [Solved]

Well, it’s no wonder people are confused about canola oil - after all, it was created by crossing the rapeseed plant, which has high levels of erucic acid that can be dangerous if consumed in large amounts. But don’t worry - canola oil has very low levels of this compound.

Canola oil has been getting a bad rap lately, but it’s not as toxic as some people make it out to be. Sure, it’s not the healthiest option out there, but it’s far from being dangerous. In fact, canola oil is actually quite beneficial in moderation. So don’t worry about using a little here and there - just don’t go overboard!