Hello, iam Armand Baird, I hope all goes well today.

Whoa, 125 - that’s a real composite number! It’s made up of more than just two factors, so it’s not prime. In fact, it can be broken down into several different combinations of factors. Let’s take a look: 125 = 5 x 5 x 5; or 25 x 5; or 15 x 8; or even 10 x 3 x 5. Pretty cool, huh? And that’s just the beginning - there are plenty more ways to break down this composite number!

Why Is 125 A Composite Number? [Solved]

Wow! 125 is a composite number, meaning it has more than two factors. It’s got 1, 5, 25 and of course 125 itself. Pretty cool!

A composite number is a number that can be divided by more than just itself and one. 125 is a prime example of a composite number, ‘cause it can be divided by 5, 25, and 125. It’s not prime like 3 or 7; it’s got other factors that make it special. Ain’t that something?