Hi, iam Francisco Lange, Don’t miss me too much.

Hey there! Have you ever wondered if Shigaraki has red eyes? Well, you’re in luck ‘cause I’m gonna break it down for ya. It’s a bit of a complicated answer, but stick with me and I’ll explain it all. First off, Shigaraki’s eyes are actually grayish-blue in color. However, when he uses his Quirk - Decay - they turn a deep crimson red. So yeah, you could say that Shigaraki does have red eyes…but only when he’s using his Quirk! Pretty cool, huh?

Why Does Shigaraki Have Red Eyes? [Solved]

Growing up, Tenko was a bit of a troublemaker. He’d often get into scuffles with other kids and his parents had to keep an eye on him. But despite his mischievousness, he was still a good kid at heart. He had a kind soul and would always help out those in need. Plus, he had an infectious smile that could light up any room!

Shigaraki’s red eyes are a sign of his power. They’re a symbol of his strength and determination, and they give him an intimidating edge. It’s no wonder people are so scared when they see them!