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Sure does! Tomura Shigaraki, the main antagonist of the popular manga series My Hero Academia, is known for covering his face with a mask. It’s become an iconic part of his look and serves as a reminder of his mysterious past. Plus, it adds to the overall creepiness factor! So yeah, you can bet Shigaraki covers his face - no doubt about it.

Why Does Shigaraki Cover His Face? [Solved]

He’s got his dad’s hand on his face to remind him why he’s so fired up to tear down the hero-centric world. All For One made him wear it, so all that anger and hate inside him can keep festering.

Yes, Shigaraki does cover his face. He usually wears a mask that covers the lower half of his face, and he often has a hood pulled up over his head to hide the rest. It’s kind of like he’s trying to keep a low profile - you know, stay outta sight!