Namaste, iam Guillermo Marusarz, Have a two coffee day!

Ugh, nothing’s worse than taking a hit off your vape and tasting that nasty burnt flavor! It’s so swift - one minute you’re enjoying the smooth taste of your favorite e-juice, and the next you’re coughing up a storm. Don’t worry though, there are some easy fixes to get rid of that burnt taste.

Why Does My Swift Vape Taste Burnt? [Solved]

Yuck! To avoid this, make sure you’re regularly replacing your atomizer coil and keeping it moist with e-juice. That way, you’ll be puffin’ on smooth clouds instead of nasty burnt flavor.

Yikes, that’s not good! Vaping should never taste burnt - it should be smooth and swift. If you’re getting a burnt taste, it’s time to check your device and make sure everything is in working order.