Greetings, iam Margarete Terrell, You have yourself a good one!

Well, does formula babies really stay longer? It’s a question that’s been on many parents’ minds. After all, it seems like formula-fed babies are growing up faster than ever before! But is there any truth to this? Let’s take a closer look and find out. From the latest research to anecdotal evidence from parents, we’ll explore the pros and cons of formula feeding and see if it really does make babies grow up faster. So buckle up - this could be an interesting ride!

Why Does Formula Keep Babies Full Longer? [Solved]

Well, breastmilk is easy to digest, so babies wake up more often to eat. But formula’s got mostly casein in it, which takes longer for them to break down - so they stay full for longer.

Formula-fed babies tend to stay longer on formula than breastfed babies. They usually don’t switch to solid foods until they’re around six months old, whereas breastfed babies often start solids at four months. So if you’re formula-feeding your baby, you can expect them to stay on it for a bit longer!