Hi, iam Mary Patton, Have a nice day.

Does Edge Say Secure? You bet it does! Microsoft Edge is the latest and greatest web browser, and it’s packed with features to keep your online experience secure. With built-in malware protection, phishing protection, and a host of other security measures, you can rest assured that your data is safe when you’re browsing with Edge. Plus, its intuitive interface makes it easy to use - no tech savvy required! So if you’re looking for a secure way to surf the web, look no further than Microsoft Edge. It’s got your back!

Why Does Edge Say Not Secure? [Solved]

Well, shoot! It turns out that a lot of the time, this isn’t your fault. It’s actually an issue with security certificates - the things websites use to prove they’re legit on the web. If your browser detects something’s off with one of these certificates, it’ll give you a warning.

Edge says “secure” when it detects that your connection is safe and secure. It’s like a little thumbs up from Edge, letting you know that you can browse without worrying about your data being compromised. Plus, it’s super convenient - no more double-checking to make sure you’re on a secure site!