Hello, iam Rafael Besaw, Have a pleasant day.

Whoa, talk about a strange combination of words! Seals pounding tridents into coffins? That’s definitely something you don’t see every day. But hey, stranger things have happened. I guess it just goes to show that you never know what life is going to throw at you. So let’s take a closer look at this peculiar trio and see what we can uncover!

Why Do Seals Pound Tridents Into Coffins? [Solved]

At his funeral on the 12th, Navy SEALs paid their respects in a unique way - they took their trident pins and hammered them into the top of the casket. The trident pin is a symbol of honor, awarded to those who become SEALs and signifies their training in air, sea and land. It was an incredibly moving gesture.

Seals are pounding tridents into coffins - it’s a strange sight, but it’s happening! It’s like they’re putting the final nail in the coffin. You don’t see that every day!