Sup, iam Joann Ibara, Have a two coffee day!

Wow! Robins can live up to 12 years - that’s pretty impressive! It’s no wonder they’re so popular; these little birds are full of life and energy. They’re also quite resilient, able to survive in a variety of climates and habitats. Plus, they have a beautiful song that can brighten up any day. So if you’re looking for a feathered friend who’ll stick around for the long haul, look no further than the robin!

Why Do Robins Only Live 2 Years? [Solved]

Wow! That’s impressive - 13 months isn’t much, but if they make it past that first year, they can really stick around. In fact, the oldest recorded robin lived for 19 years!

Robins can live for quite a few years! In fact, some of them have been known to reach up to 14 years old. That’s pretty impressive, huh? Plus, they’re so cute and cheerful - it’s no wonder they’ve become such a beloved bird.