Namaste, iam Lisa Hamilton, Have a nice day.

Well, it’s no secret that as we get older, we tend to feel the cold more. It’s just one of those things that comes with age - you know what I mean? But don’t let it get you down; there are plenty of ways to stay warm and cozy. From layering up your clothes to investing in a good heating system, there are lots of options out there. So don’t shiver in the cold - take action and keep yourself nice and toasty!

Why Do Older People Feel Cold? [Solved]

Yup, as you age, you’re gonna feel the cold more. That’s just part of getting older. But if it’s really bad, it could be a sign of something else. Older folks don’t have as much fat under their skin to keep ’em warm, so they’re more prone to feeling chilly. Diabetes, peripheral artery disease and kidney disease can all mess with blood flow and body temp too.

Older folks tend to feel the chill more, ya know? It’s like they can’t get warm no matter what. I mean, it’s like they’re always shivering! Even when it’s not that cold out, they’re still bundling up. It’s kinda funny, but also kinda sad.