Namaste, iam Scott Wynn, You have yourself a good one!

Ugh, a low grade fever every day? Talk about a drag! It’s like having one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. I mean, it’s not life-threatening or anything, but it sure is annoying. Plus, it can really put a damper on your day-to-day activities. But don’t worry - there are ways to manage this pesky problem and get back to feeling like yourself again!

Why Do I Have A Low-Grade Fever Everyday? [Solved]

Y’know, if you’ve got a fever that won’t quit, it could be due to a virus or bacteria, or even stress. Certain meds can also cause it. Plus, thyroid problems and autoimmune diseases can be the culprit too.

A low grade fever every day can be a real drag. It’s like having a constant reminder that something isn’t quite right. You might feel tired and achy, and it can really put a damper on your day-to-day activities. But don’t worry - there are ways to manage it, so you can still get through your day with minimal disruption.