Namaste, iam Susan Baty, Have a two coffee day!

Ah, man, I’m not feeling so hot. I’ve got a low grade fever and I’m feeling pretty sick. It’s been going on for a few days now and it’s really starting to drag me down. Ugh, I just want to curl up in bed and sleep it off! Hopefully this passes soon - in the meantime, lots of fluids and rest are in order!

Why Do I Have A Low-Grade Fever But Not Sick? [Solved]

Well, if your kid’s had their shots or is teething, they might get a low-grade fever. It could also be a sign of an inflammatory or autoimmune condition, or even a side effect of certain meds. But don’t worry too much - if there aren’t any other symptoms, it probably won’t need treatment.

Ah, a low grade fever - not fun! It’s the kind of sick that can really drag you down. You know, the kind where you just don’t have any energy and feel like you’re walking around in a fog. Ugh, it’s no picnic! But don’t worry - with some rest and fluids, you’ll be back on your feet in no time.