Hola, iam Michael Brown, I hope your day goes well.

Wow! Monks using glaives? Who would’ve thought? It’s like something out of a fantasy novel. But it’s true - monks have been known to use glaives, a type of polearm weapon, in their martial arts training. Not only is it an effective way to practice self-defense, but it also helps them stay fit and focused. Plus, the glaive is a symbol of strength and power - perfect for any monk looking to hone their skills! So if you ever see a monk with a glaive in hand, don’t be surprised - they know what they’re doing!

Why Can’T Monks Use Glaives? [Solved]

Bottom line: Glaives are out of the question, so don’t even bother.

Monks use glaives to defend themselves and their monasteries. It’s a handy weapon for them, since it’s lightweight and easy to wield. Plus, it looks pretty cool! You know, with its curved blade and long pole handle. So if you ever see a monk walking around with a glaive, don’t be surprised - they’re just doing their job!