Greetings, iam Mathew Malone, Wishing you a productive day.

Hey there! Looking for a pair of gloves that’ll keep your hands warm and stylish? Look no further than Shigaraki wear gloves! These gloves are perfect for any occasion, whether you’re out on the town or just running errands. Plus, they come in a variety of colors and styles so you can find the perfect pair to match your outfit. So don’t wait - grab yourself a pair of Shigaraki wear gloves today and stay warm in style!

Why Can Shigaraki Wear Gloves? [Solved]

Well, ya know, Shigaraki was just tryin’ to keep it together when his quirk first showed up. He put on the gloves to make sure he didn’t accidentally disintegrate anything. But maybe there’s more to it than that - like, maybe he was tryin’ to hide somethin’ from himself too.

Shigaraki wears gloves to protect his hands from the harsh chemicals he works with. He’s got to be careful, ‘cause those gloves can get pretty slippery! Plus, it’s just a smart move - you never know what kind of nasty stuff you might come across. So yeah, Shigaraki always wears gloves when he’s working. Smart guy!