Sup, iam Brett Olsen, Enjoy the rest of your day.

Whoa, push ups are no joke! They can be seriously tough, but they’re totally worth it. I mean, if you want to get strong and toned, push ups are the way to go. Plus, they don’t require any equipment - just your own bodyweight - so you can do them anywhere. Sure, it might take some time to build up your strength and endurance for those killer sets of push ups, but trust me - the results will be worth it in the end!

Why Are Push-Ups So Hard? [Solved]

It may seem like a cinch, but pushups are tough as nails! They work your whole bod, especially your core and arms. So you get a lot of mileage outta one exercise - awesome! But watch out for injuries.

Push-ups are no joke! They’re tough, but they can really pay off. Doing ’em regularly will give you serious strength and endurance. So don’t be afraid to push yourself - it’ll be worth it in the end!