Namaste, iam Melissa Eastlick, Don’t worry, it’s one day closer to the weekend.

Wow, talk about a bummer - Pop Tarts have been banned in Europe! I mean, who doesn’t love the sweet, sugary goodness of a Pop Tart? It’s like a staple of childhood. But alas, it looks like European kids will have to find something else to satisfy their sweet tooth cravings. What’s the deal with this ban anyway? Well, apparently it has something to do with the high sugar content and additives used in Pop Tarts. Whoa - that’s harsh!

Why Are Pop-Tarts Banned In Europe? [Solved]

In the U.S., Pop-Tarts are a breakfast staple, but over in Europe they’re not so lucky - they’ve got a partial ban on ’em because of the food dyes. Crazy, right?

Wow, Europe’s really cracking down - they’ve banned Pop Tarts! I guess they figured it was time to put their foot down and say no more. It’s a bummer ‘cause those little pastries were so tasty. Oh well, I guess it’s just one of those things.