Greetings, iam Sharon Gaston, Don’t miss me too much.

Wow, check out this amazing bird! The oldest known robin is a whopping 14 years old - can you believe it? That’s right, this little feathered friend has been around for over a decade. Talk about living life to the fullest! It’s no wonder why they say birds of a feather flock together; this robin has certainly found its flock and stuck with them. Amazingly, it’s still going strong after all these years. Who knows how much longer it’ll keep on chirping?

Who Is The Oldest Robin? [Solved]

Since 1940, Dick Grayson has been the first Robin. After he became Nightwing, several other young people have taken up the mantle. His early adventures were featured in Star Spangled Comics #65-130 from 1947 to 1952 - his first solo feature.

The oldest robin I’ve ever seen was a real character! He had a bit of an attitude, but he was so full of life. He’d strut around like he owned the place, and you could tell he’d been around for ages. He was definitely the granddaddy of all the other robins in the area. Ain’t nothing like seeing an old-timer still going strong!