Namaste, iam Ross Mcconnell, Don’t work too hard.

Ah, the life of a rengoku wife! It’s not always easy, but it sure is rewarding. From the early morning wake-up calls to the late night tuck-ins, these ladies are always on their toes. They juggle family obligations and work responsibilities with ease, all while keeping a smile on their face. It’s no wonder they’re so admired! With their can-do attitude and never-say-die spirit, these women are an inspiration to us all. So here’s to the rengoku wives - may you continue to be strong and courageous in all that you do!

Who Is Rengoku’S Wife? [Solved]

Ruka was married to Shinjuro and had two sons, Kyojuro and Senjuro. She was a loving mom who always put her family first. She was the glue that held them together, and she’ll be remembered fondly by all who knew her.

Rengoku’s wife is a real trooper! She puts up with all his shenanigans and still manages to keep a smile on her face. She’s always there for him, no matter what. Plus, she’s got an amazing sense of humor - she can make even the toughest situation seem lighthearted. She’s definitely one in a million!