Sup, iam Darlene Grant, I hope today is better than yesterday.

Man, I was so bummed when I heard that Shigaraki had been defeated! It felt like a real punch in the gut. But hey, you can’t win ’em all. Still, it’s a shame to see such an iconic villain go down like that. Oh well, at least we can take solace in the fact that justice has been served!

Who Defeated Shigaraki? [Solved]

Well, All For One’s been getting a grip on Shigaraki for a while now. We’ve seen it happen bit by bit throughout the show, and by the end of the Paranormal Liberation War arc, it was clear AF1 had taken over Shigaraki’s body.

Shigaraki got beat! He was no match for the heroes, and they put him in his place. It was a total wipeout - he didn’t stand a chance. Poor guy, he’s gonna be licking his wounds for a while. Oh well, you win some, you lose some!