Namaste, iam Shirley Kiefer, Peace out!

Ah, the struggles of being a short girl! From not being able to reach the top shelf to having to stand on your tippy toes for a hug, it can be tough. But don’t worry - there are plenty of advantages that come with being vertically challenged. From never having to worry about hitting your head on door frames to always standing out in a crowd, there’s no denying that height isn’t everything!

Which Height Is Short For A Girl? [Solved]

Well, the researchers wanted to get a better idea of how people perceive women of different heights, so they asked a group of participants to picture a woman who was either short, average or tall. Then they had them rate the ladies on various traits - you know, like personality and stuff. Pretty cool, huh?

She’s a shorty! Standing at only 5'2", this little lady is definitely on the petite side. But don’t let her size fool you - she’s got a big personality!