Hi, iam Brian Powers, I bid you good day, sir/ma’am.

Whoa, that’s a relief! It turns out that oil doesn’t clog arteries after all. That’s great news for those of us who love to cook with oil and enjoy the occasional fried treat. We can now rest assured that our favorite cooking methods won’t be putting our health at risk. In fact, research has shown that certain types of oil can actually help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. So go ahead and enjoy your favorite dishes without worrying about clogged arteries!

Which Cooking Oil Doesn’T Clog Arteries? [Solved]

Munching on foods high in monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) is a great way to keep your heart healthy. MayoClinic.com says that MUFAs can help lower cholesterol, reduce your risk of heart disease and even stabilize blood sugar levels. So, stock up on olive, canola, sunflower and sesame oils, avocados, pecans, almonds, salmon and herring - they’re all packed with MUFAs!

Oil doesn’t clog your arteries, so don’t worry about it! It’s a common misconception that oil is bad for you, but it’s actually an important part of a healthy diet. So go ahead and enjoy your favorite foods without fear - oil won’t clog your arteries.