Hello, iam Mary Larsen, Don’t work too hard.

Hey there! Ready to resurrect your classes? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Whether you’re looking for a refresher or a complete overhaul, we’ve got you covered. With our easy-to-follow tips and tricks, you’ll be back on track in no time. So don’t sweat it - let’s get started and bring those classes back from the dead!

Which Classes Can Resurrect? [Solved]

Wow! There are five classes that can bring a dead player back to life - Paladins, Priests, Shamans, Warlocks and Druids. Paladins get their resurrection spell Redemption from a level 12 quest. Priests have the Resurrection spell at level 18. Shamans can use Ancestral Spirit at level 20. Warlocks get Soulstone at level 22 and Druids have Rebirth at level 24. That’s not all though - there are other ways to resurrect too!

Classes are back in session! It’s time to resurrect those textbooks and get ready for a new semester. Let’s get crackin’ and make this the best one yet!