Hello, iam Margaret Klink, I hope your day is great!

Wow, the coldest place on Earth is really something else! I mean, temperatures can get down to a whopping minus 128.6 degrees Fahrenheit - that’s crazy! But it’s true; Antarctica is the coldest place on our planet. It’s no wonder why it’s so frigid there - with its icy winds and snow-covered terrain, it’s like stepping into a winter wonderland. Plus, with its lack of sunlight during certain times of the year, you can bet that temperatures will stay low. But don’t let this deter you from visiting - there are plenty of amazing sights to see and experiences to be had in this frozen paradise!

Where Is Coldest Place On Earth? [Solved]

Wow! Klinck weather station in central Greenland is the coldest place in the Arctic Circle, beating Oymyakon’s record by a whopping 2 degrees back in ‘91. Crazy to think that despite these frigid temps, Greenland’s ice is melting like crazy.

The coldest place on Earth is the East Antarctic Plateau, where temperatures can drop to a bone-chilling minus 133.6 degrees Fahrenheit! That’s colder than a witch’s tit! It’s so cold that even the hardiest of creatures have trouble surviving there. But don’t worry, you won’t be visiting anytime soon - unless you’re an extreme adventurer!