Namaste, iam Russell Goodwin, Take it easy.

Whoa, did Natsu fall in love? Well, that’s a loaded question! It’s no secret that Natsu has had his fair share of romantic entanglements over the years. But whether or not he’s actually fallen head-over-heels in love is another story. From what we’ve seen so far, it looks like he might be getting close to taking the plunge - but only time will tell!

When Did Natsu Fall In Love With Lucy? [Solved]

Wow, the Tenrou Island arc was a game-changer for NaLu! Natsu finally realised he had feelings for Lucy - something we’d all suspected. It was a huge step forward in their relationship.

Natsu definitely fell head over heels in love! He couldn’t help it - it just happened. It was like a bolt of lightning had struck him and he was smitten. He felt like he was walking on air, and nothing else mattered. Ah, young love!