Howdy, iam Robert Patel, G’day, mate.

Ready to get ripped? Doing 100 pushups a day is a great way to start! It’s an easy way to get your heart rate up and build strength. Plus, you don’t need any fancy equipment - just your own bodyweight. So, let’s get started! Whoa, hold on there - before you jump in head first, make sure you know the proper form and technique for doing pushups. Otherwise, you could end up with an injury that’ll set you back. Alrighty then - let’s do this!

What Will 100 Pushups A Day Do? [Solved]

Many influencers on YouTube are taking up the challenge of doing 100 pushups a day for a month to build up their upper body strength and muscle. It’s become quite popular, and they’re hoping to see results in just 30 days!

Doing 100 pushups a day is no joke! It’s a real challenge, but if you stick with it, you’ll be feeling the benefits in no time. You’ll be stronger and more toned than ever before. Plus, it’s an awesome way to get your heart rate up and get those endorphins flowing. So don’t be intimidated - give it a go! You won’t regret it!