Namaste, iam Kelly Hepler, Peace out!

Hey there! Have you ever heard of an American born Japanese? It’s a pretty cool concept - someone who was born in the US, but has strong ties to Japan. It’s like having the best of both worlds! From culture and language to food and customs, these individuals have a unique perspective that can’t be found anywhere else. Plus, they get to experience all the amazing things that come with being part of two different cultures. Talk about awesome!

What Were American Born Japanese Called? [Solved]

Well, the Issei are the parents of the Nisei. They’re Japanese immigrants who were born in Japan and moved to America. So, their kids, born in the U.S., are called Nisei - they’re American-born Japanese folks. Pretty cool, huh?

American-born Japanese are often referred to as “ABCs” - American-Born Chinese. They’re people who were born in the US, but have a strong connection to their Japanese heritage. It’s an interesting mix of cultures, and ABCs often find themselves straddling two worlds. They may speak both English and Japanese fluently, and they may have a unique perspective on life that combines the best of both cultures.