Namaste, iam Coleman Ramsey, May your day be joyful.

Ah, the roaring twenties! It was a time of flappers, speakeasies and some of the most popular dances ever seen. From the Charleston to the Lindy Hop, these classic moves were all the rage in the 1920s. Whether you were cutting a rug at a swanky club or just having fun with friends at home, these dances had everyone shaking their tail feathers. So grab your dancing shoes and let’s take a look back at some of these iconic moves from one of America’s most memorable decades!

At the start of the decade, flappers made the “Charleston” their own. It was already a hit with African-Americans, but soon everyone was doing it. Plus, they added some new moves like “Black Bottom,” “Raccoon,” “Varsity Drag,” “Collegiate” and even the classic “Tango”. So if you wanted to be in style back then, you had to know how to dance!

In the 1920s, people were really cutting a rug! Popular dances of the time included the Charleston, the Lindy Hop, and the Foxtrot. Everyone was getting their groove on with these moves - it was a real party scene! You’d hear jazz music playing and see couples twirling around in their flapper dresses and dapper suits. It was an era of fun and freedom that will never be forgotten.