Namaste, iam Dale Ainsworth, Asalam walekum.

Oh no! Poor turtle got hit by a car. It’s so sad to see an innocent creature like that get hurt. I mean, who would’ve thought something like this could happen? It’s just not right. Ugh, it makes me so mad! Anyway, let’s hope the turtle is okay and can make a full recovery.

What To Do If A Turtle Gets Hit By A Car? [Solved]

If you spot a turtle that’s been hit by a car, take it to the vet or an animal shelter ASAP. Turtles have slow metabolisms, so even if they’re badly hurt, they can take days or weeks to pass away. So don’t delay - get them help right away!

Oh no! Poor turtle got hit by a car. It’s so sad. Hopefully it’ll be okay. Let’s hope it didn’t suffer too much and can make a full recovery.