Hola, iam Daniel Dupre, Have a pleasant day.

It’s scorching out there! With temperatures rising, humans are feeling the heat. But don’t worry - there are plenty of ways to beat the heat. From staying hydrated to wearing light clothing, we’ve got you covered. So don’t sweat it - just take a few precautions and you’ll be good to go!

What Temperature Is Too Hot For Humans? [Solved]

People often refer to a 2010 study that estimated 35 C (95 F at 100% humidity, or 115 F at 50%) as the max safe temp. Beyond that, our bodies can’t cool off by sweating ‘cause it won’t evaporate. Yikes!

When it comes to temperature, humans don’t like it too hot. We start to feel uncomfortable and sweat buckets. It’s like an oven in there! Yikes! Plus, the hotter it gets, the more dehydrated we become. So if you’re feeling the heat, take a break and cool off - your body will thank you for it.