Greetings, iam Evelyn Weisenfluh, Peace out!

Wow, 37 degrees Celsius! That’s hot! It’s no wonder people are feeling the heat. I mean, it’s practically boiling out there. But hey, at least it’s not a scorcher - yet. Still, if you’re looking to beat the heat, you’d better find some shade fast!

What Temperature Is 37.6 Celsius? [Solved]

Well, a kid’s temp usually hovers around 36.3°C (97.4°F) in the morn and 37.6°C (99.6°F) in the afternoon - pretty standard stuff!

It’s scorching hot outside! 37°C is way too high for comfort. I’m melting! It’s so hot that I can barely stand it. Yikes! This kind of heat is unbearable. Let’s get out of here before we turn into puddles.