Hi, iam Rhonda Houghtelling, No wild parties while I’m gone, mister!

Whoa, talk about extremes! Temperature is a major factor in whether life can exist or not. Too hot and you’re toast; too cold and you’re out of luck. It’s all about finding that sweet spot where life can thrive. Let’s take a look at how temperature affects the ability for life to exist.

What Temperature Can Life Not Exist At? [Solved]

Wow, -20°C is pretty chilly! That’s way below freezing. No wonder no living thing can survive at that temperature - it’s too cold for them to eat or reproduce. So, that’s the absolute lowest limit for life on Earth. Crazy!

Temperature is a key factor in life existing - without it, we wouldn’t be here! It’s amazing to think that something so simple can have such a huge impact. Y’know, if the temperature was just a few degrees higher or lower, life as we know it wouldn’t exist. Crazy, right?