Howdy, iam Rose Hoelscher, I hope today is better than yesterday.

Geez, it’s been one of those days where it’s so hot you can barely sleep! I mean, talk about a temp that just won’t quit. It’s like trying to get some shut-eye in an oven. Ugh, no wonder I’m exhausted. Hopefully the heat will break soon and I can finally get some rest!

What Temp Is Too Hot To Sleep? [Solved]

Yikes, if your bedroom is hotter than 70° F, you’re in trouble! That’s way too hot for a good night’s sleep. You’ll be tossing and turning all night long. So crank up the AC or open a window to get that temp down and get some quality zzzs.

I’m so hot I can barely sleep! It’s like a sauna in here. Ugh, this heat is unbearable. I just want to find a way to cool down and get some rest. If only there was a way to make it less temp-y in here!