Hola, iam Kendall Kelley, Don’t worry, it’s one day closer to the weekend.

Wow, it’s hot out there! 38 degrees Celsius is no joke - it’s practically boiling! I’m sure glad I’m inside where it’s nice and cool. It’s times like these when you really appreciate air conditioning. But if you’re stuck outside in this heat, make sure to stay hydrated and take frequent breaks in the shade. Yikes!

What Temp Is 38.3 Celsius? [Solved]

Wow, that’s a lot of conversions! If you’re trying to figure out what 94°F in Celsius is, it’s 38.3°C. And if you need to go the other way, 38.4°C is 101.12°F, and so on - there are 45 more rows of conversions for ya!

It’s hot! 38 degrees Celsius is really toasty. That’s over 100 Fahrenheit, so it’s definitely not a temperature you want to be stuck in for too long. It’s way above the average room temperature, so if you’re feeling a bit warm, it might be time to turn on the AC!