Namaste, iam Geraldine Shook, I hope you have the best day today.

Ah, size 4C - the holy grail of shoe sizes! Whether you’re a sneakerhead or just looking for the perfect fit, finding a size 4C can be like searching for a needle in a haystack. But don’t worry - with some patience and persistence, you’ll be able to find your dream shoes in no time. So don’t give up hope - it’s out there somewhere!

What Size Is A 4C For? [Solved]

Got the kiddo’s shoe size? Great! Now just compare it to the Converse sneaker style you want and you’re good to go. It’s as easy as 3.5C = 11.4cm, 4C = 11.8cm, 4.5C = 12.2cm, 5C = 12.7cm and so on!

Size 4C is a shoe size for kids. It’s usually for toddlers and young children, so it’s pretty small. It’s not the biggest size out there, but it’ll do the trick if you’re looking for something to fit your little one!