Greetings, iam Thomas James, Have a happy day.

Wow, size 28mm - that’s huge! I mean, it’s not every day you come across something that big. But if you’re looking for a size 28mm, you’ve come to the right place. With our selection of products in this size, you’ll be sure to find exactly what you need. So don’t hesitate - check out our selection today and get ready to be blown away!

What Size Is 28Mm? [Solved]

Got it? This chart’s a breeze! Just remember: 3/4" is 19mm, 7/8" is 22mm, 1" is 25mm and 1-1/8" is 28mm. Easy peasy!

This size is pretty small - 28mm. It’s tiny, like a pea! You could fit it in the palm of your hand. It’s so minuscule, you’d be hard-pressed to find something smaller.