Hi, iam Steven Durand, G’day, mate.

Wow, the dollar’s really taken a hit! It’s been crashing left and right. I mean, it’s like it can’t catch a break. Whoa! Talk about a roller coaster ride. It’s been up and down, all over the place. Yikes! I guess you could say it’s been on a wild ride lately. But hey, that’s just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes - you win some, you lose some.

What Should I Own If A Dollar Crashes? [Solved]

Well, if you’re looking for a safe bet during tough times, gold is your go-to. It’s always worth something, so you know your money won’t just disappear. But if you’re feeling a bit more daring, real estate could be the way to go. Sure, it can be risky - but the rewards can be huge! And of course, there’s always the classic savings account option - it may not bring in big bucks but at least your money will stay put.

Oh man, the dollar’s really taken a nosedive! It’s been crashing like crazy lately, and it doesn’t look like it’ll be bouncing back anytime soon. I mean, it’s just tanking - no one knows where the bottom is. It’s a real bummer for everyone who holds dollars. Yikes!