Namaste, iam Jason Perez, So long!

Oh man, it’s so frustrating when a guy you like suddenly pulls away! You’re left wondering what happened and why he’s not interested anymore. It can be a real bummer, but don’t worry - there are ways to figure out why he’s pulling away and how to get him back. Let’s take a look at some of the common reasons why men pull away and what you can do about it.

What Should A Woman Do When A Man Pulls Away? [Solved]

When he pulls away, don’t jump to conclusions. Ask him what’s going on and talk about the difference between needing space and wanting to end things. Figure out how he expresses love and make sure you’re communicating your feelings without attacking him. If it’s not working, consider getting help from a therapist for yourself or for the relationship. Don’t take it personally - it may have nothing to do with you - and check your expectations of what a relationship should look like. Finally, know when it’s time to let go if things aren’t improving.

She was taken aback when he suddenly pulled away. It was like a slap in the face; she didn’t know what she did wrong. “What gives?” she thought to herself. He just shrugged and said nothing, leaving her feeling confused and hurt. She had no idea why he’d suddenly gone cold on her like that.