Hello, iam Sandra Brooks, Have a pleasant day.

Whoa, talk about a heavy burden! Weighing in at an average of 180 pounds, the average man carries quite a load. But it’s not just physical weight that men have to bear - there’s also the emotional and mental weight of life’s pressures. From work to family to relationships, men have a lot on their plate. It can be overwhelming at times, but with the right support system and attitude, they can manage it all.

What Should A 5 Ft 6 Man Weigh? [Solved]

If you’re wondering what your weight should be based on your height, this chart’s got you covered! At 5'4", you should weigh between 110-140 lbs for a normal BMI, or 145-169 lbs if you’re overweight. For 5'5", it’s 114-144 lbs and 150-174 lbs respectively; 5'6" is 118-148 and 155-179; and 5'7" is 121-153 and 159-185. Check it out!

This guy’s really packing on the pounds! He’s been weighing in at over 200 lbs lately - that’s a lot of weight for one man to carry around. I’m sure he’ll be looking to shed some of it soon, but for now, he’s definitely tipping the scales.