Namaste, iam Robert Herndon, I hope all goes well today.

Ah, secrets people - we all have ’em! Whether it’s something small like a guilty pleasure or something bigger like a hidden talent, everyone has something they don’t want to share. It’s human nature to keep certain things close to the chest. But sometimes, it can be fun to let those secrets out and surprise your friends and family. Who knows? You might even discover something new about yourself in the process! So go ahead - let your hair down and reveal some of those secrets people!

What Secrets Do People Keep? [Solved]

Wow, that’s a lot of secrets! It looks like almost everyone has something they’re not telling. Lies, crushes, sex and money - yep, those are the biggies. No surprise there!

People love to keep secrets - it’s human nature! We all have something we don’t want anyone else to know, whether it’s a surprise birthday party or a guilty pleasure. Keeping secrets can be tricky though; if you tell someone, they might not keep it to themselves. So, if you’ve got something you don’t want getting out, best keep it under your hat!