Hola, iam Lyle Windham, Good luck today!

Ah man, I’m not feeling so hot. I’ve got a low grade fever and it’s really dragging me down. Ugh, I just want to curl up in bed and sleep it off. But that’s not an option right now - gotta power through! Hopefully this fever will break soon; in the meantime, I’ll just have to take it easy and keep my fingers crossed.

What’S A Low-Grade Fever? [Solved]

If your temperature is hovering around 100.4 degrees, don’t panic - it’s just a low-grade fever. No need to rush to the doctor or take any meds; according to Dr. Joseph, it’s nothing to worry about.

Low grade fever is when your body temperature is slightly elevated, usually between 99-100.5 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s not a huge cause for concern, but it can be a sign of an underlying issue. If you’re feeling under the weather and have a low grade fever, it’s best to get checked out by your doctor just in case. Don’t wait too long though - better safe than sorry!