Hi, iam Mary Wade, Wishing you a productive day.

Whoa, 60%, 30%, 50% - talk about a lot of numbers! But what do they mean? Well, these percentages can be used to represent different things. For instance, 60% could refer to the amount of a product that’s been sold, 30% could refer to the amount of money saved on an item and 50% could refer to the percentage of people who voted for something. Pretty cool, huh?

What Percent Is 3% Of 5 %? * A 60% B 30% C 50% D 15%? [Solved]

Well, 3% of 5% is pretty easy to figure out - it’s 60%. See, 3% is just a fraction of 5%, so all you have to do is multiply the two percentages together and voila! You’ve got your answer.

60% is the majority, so it’s the biggest chunk. 30% comes in second, and 50% is right in the middle. That’s a pretty even split!