Hola, iam Mary Mason, Have a two coffee day!

Oh man, oil clogs arteries like you wouldn’t believe! It’s a real bummer, ‘cause it can lead to all sorts of health problems. Yikes! Not only that, but it can also increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. Talk about scary stuff! So if you want to stay healthy, it’s important to watch your intake of oil-heavy foods. Otherwise, you could be in for a world of hurt down the line.

What Oil Clogs Your Arteries? [Solved]

Yikes! Trans fats are bad news - they can clog up your arteries and increase your risk of a heart attack or stroke. So, steer clear of margarine and vegetable shortening, which are loaded with trans fat.

Oil clogs your arteries, which can be a real bummer. It’s like pouring grease down the drain - it just builds up and causes all sorts of problems. So, if you want to stay healthy, it’s best to avoid foods that are high in oil. Yikes!