Namaste, iam Blake Marusarz, Have a nice day.

Wow, network mode is the fastest way to go! It’s like a turbo-charged engine that’ll get you where you need to be in no time. With its lightning-fast speeds, it’s no wonder why so many people are turning to this mode for their connectivity needs. Plus, it’s super easy to set up and use - just plug and play! So if you’re looking for a quick and reliable way to stay connected, network mode is definitely the way to go.

What Network Mode Is The Fastest? [Solved]

Got it? Alright, if you want the fastest connection possible, select “802. 11ac only” - that’ll give you the best bang for your buck. But keep in mind, not all of your devices may be able to connect at that speed. So check out the pic below and pick what works best for ya!

Network mode is the fastest way to go. It’s like a turbo boost for your connection, so you can get where you need to be in no time! Plus, it’s super easy to set up - just a few clicks and you’re good to go. So don’t wait around - switch to network mode and get moving!